5 Top Causes of Joint Pain and How to Treat the Symptoms

5 Top Causes of Joint Pain and How to Treat the Symptoms

Jul 30, 2021

Two men in sports shirts shaking hands

Joint pain is one of the most debilitating conditions you can face. Not only do you live with discomfort day in and day out, but everyday tasks become difficult and workouts are all but off the table.

Because many customers struggle with joint pain, we are dedicating this post to some of the top causes of joint pain and tips for treating joint pain naturally. Please consult with your medical provider before trying any new exercise or supplement.

Top Causes of Joint Pain


In the United States, arthritis and other diagnosed rheumatic conditions affect over 22% of American adults. The most common form of arthritis — osteoarthritis — occurs when the cartilage around the joint breaks down, reducing the amount of cushioning and causing significant, ongoing pain.

The second type — rheumatoid arthritis — happens when the body’s immune system attacks the membranes around the joints, causing swelling and a buildup of fluid. Rheumatoid arthritis generally attacks the small joints (such as finger joints) first whereas osteoarthritis tends to affect larger joints like the knees and hips.


Bursitis is another of the top causes of joint pain, although few people are familiar with the condition. The word “bursae” refers to the small sacs that surround your joints and are filled with fluid to lubricate your movements. Bursitis is an inflammation of one or more bursae that stems from an infection, repetitive movements, or sport. It may affect your ability to move the joint and causes thickening, redness, pain, and swelling.


Lupus is an autoimmune disease that creates inflammation throughout many of the organs and tissues in the body. Usually developing in early adulthood, lupus starts with fatigue, a high fever, body aches, and joint pain. These symptoms may be accompanied by rashes and lesions in the skin as well as confusion and memory loss. While it is one of the most common causes of joint pain, there is currently no known cure for lupus.


Gout is an inflammatory condition that affects nearly 4% of adults in the United States and is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the blood. This buildup of uric acid can lead to pain and swelling in the joints of your foot and the development of hard lumps called tophi. Managing gout usually involves making dietary changes and losing weight. Medications and alternative therapies are often used to reduce inflammation.


Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that comes with widespread muscle pain, extreme fatigue, and difficulty getting to sleep. While it’s not one of the most direct causes of joint pain, the pain in body tissues, in general, can affect the joints and ability to move. Currently, fibromyalgia affects 2-4% of the American population and is far more common in women than men. It is typically managed with self-care strategies, medication, physical therapy, and counseling.

Treating Joint Pain so You Can Get on with Life

Two women exercising in a swimming pool with pink fabric

Whichever of these (or other) causes of joint pain you might be facing, the strategies for relief are often related:

  • Uncover the Root Cause

If you know what might have led to the condition, make the necessary adjustments to prevent the condition from becoming worse. Diet, lifestyle, and the use of certain medications are often implicated in inflammatory disease.

  • Eat a Low-Inflammation Diet

While there is no one-size-fits-all diet, there are certain foods that are known to be inflammatory. Refined sugars, oils, and flours are some foods you’ll definitely want to avoid, while increasing whole fruits, vegetables, legumes, and water. Some people find a low-grain diet helpful, while others thrive with gelatin, bone broth, pastured milk, and oily fish. If you know what the causes of joint pain are, you can often find improvement through diet with the help of an experienced nutritionist.

  • Physical Exercise

Treating joint pain usually involves movement, although the kind of movement will depend on the condition. Some people who suffer from joint pain may benefit from low-impact exercises like swimming, water aerobics, walking, and pilates. People suffering from fibromyalgia might benefit from physical and occupational therapy.

  • Holistic Supplements

Medication is often prescribed for pain relief, inflammation, and sleep but may have long-term implications for your health. Holistic supplements like cannabidiol (CBD) may help to reduce inflammation naturally while offering a good safety profile. While individual results vary, some customers also say that CBD helped improve their sleep and sense of wellbeing while lessening their physical discomfort.

Consult with a Kanavia Healthcare Provider

If you are suffering from these or other causes of joint pain, CBD might be able to help. At Kanavia Organics, we produce broad-spectrum CBD oil from the finest medicinal-grade hemp and combine it with anti-inflammatory botanicals like turmeric. We even offer CBD products for pets, who often suffer from joint pain as well!

For personalized advice about treating joint pain and help with product selection, please consult with a Kanavia healthcare provider. We combine medical and alternative approaches and would love to help you on your wellness journey.