Welcome to the Kanavia Organics Blog!
Nov 4, 2020
We’re so happy to have you here. Our blog is home to thoroughly-researched, informative articles, including CBD research, that will empower you on your journey to a healthier and happier life. We make no definitive, medical claims about the power of CBD and our hemp-derived products, but encourage you to explore our variety of topics to understand more about this incredible plant, CBD, and how it can perhaps have a positive impact on your life. When making the switch to a more holistic approach to wellness, it’s imperative that you know as much as possible about where you’re headed, and how Kanavia products can help you get there!
About Kanavia Organics and the Founder
Kanavia Organics was founded by Jasmine Khachatrian, who has been in the healthcare industry for 25 years. Her experience working in various specialties, from general surgery to laser dermatology, give her enormous insight into the various battles that patients fight against treatments that may come with a host of potential risks and side effects. This prompted her to conduct thorough CBD research and found that the cannabis plant is home to hundreds of remedies that have the potential to treat many of these same ailments, minus the awful side effects of mainstream pharmaceuticals. The legalization of medical cannabis in California fueled her drive to share as much information as possible about cannabis, discovering the power of cannabidiol. Her passion for the plant was reinforced when she used it to treat her own postmenopausal symptoms and discovered how much it could alleviate her discomfort.
And here we are, with a whole range of CBD products derived from medicinal hemp! It’s taken a lot of research about CBD and how the plant works in the human body, but we are proud to offer organic, hemp-derived products that have the potential to change your entire view of what’s needed to maintain your physical and mental wellbeing. Our blog is packed with useful information, CBD research, and information that will guide you to a more natural, holistic lifestyle.